amor al calor

amor al calor

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Xander and Amelia: Summer Heat

The day the heat was unbearable. The day makeup melted away with worries from moments past. It was the moment when working for a financial institution, actually became interesting. The day the most extremely different people had their first encounter.

He was boisterous. He was tall, slightly hefty and had reddish brown hair. His skin was pink and his eyes were the color of amber. It seemed that everyone knew his name, or better yet called him by the name "colorao". But, lets just call him... Ginger? No, that is lame. His name was Xander.

She was weird, or so they said. Long brown hair, big eyes, even bigger personality. But she was hiding behind a routine that ate away her fire. Mostly quiet, mostly thoughtful, mostly desiring an escape from it all. She had music in her lungs, her lips, her fingertips. Her name was Amelia.

Every now and then, they would bump into each other during lunch breaks. His eyes always scanning her, in a naturally curious way. She couldn't give a shit. She simply stared into nothing, always hoping but not searching.

It was a hot and humid afternoon. The steam rippled in the air and made their eyes tear. The financial institution they worked for had a shuttle bus that transported its employers to their significant automobiles. As Amelia stepped down and walked towards her blue ford escape, she became agitated. Blame it on the heat? The loveless relationship? Who knows. Only, she looked around feeling a desire to be free. And in a second she was. Her office blouse was out of her chest in no time. She could breathe again. She untied her hair and let it fall naturally. She felt like herself. With a smile on her face, Amelia walked feeling like a victor. No one was there to see her anyways. Or so she thought.

There he was parked right in front of her, sitting inside his sleek Volvo. A pretty confident car for someone equally cocksured. Yes, I just did. He had his eyes wide open and a smile of approval was spread all over his face. Xander  had always seen her so quiet and meek that what he witnessed seemed surreal. He kept thinking that there was more this girl than meets the eye. And he wanted to know.

She, stared back at him, challenging his intentions. Feeling the heat of the moment rise to its tipping point, she decided to break it and give him her most fierce "screw you" looks.  She felt confused as to how his reaction made her feel. Part of her wanted to say nasty things to him and send him to hell where there are surely no Volvo dealers. Another part  wanted for him to keep staring and wonder what would happen next.

Amelia  quickly got into her car and drove away, not before looking at him straight on and mouthing the word "douche". Xander kept laughing and smiling at her. Amelia bought a pink taser to burn his ass if he ever got close to her. Xander couldn't wait to get a chance to talk to her.

Oh Amelia, first impressions...first impressions. How wrong can you be?

3 comentarios:

  1. Saludos. Honestamente, sé que cuando te vi pude notar que eras una persona con algo interesante que contar; y más aun cuando me dijiste que tenías un blog. No pensé dos veces buscar tus escritos... Me parece interesante en la manera como escribes y te expresas. Hay un tono de sinceridad que me atrae como lector. Veo, como dijiste, que nos escribes hace mucho... No dejes que la cotidianidad y la rutina te consuman... sigue escribiendo...
    "First impressions, first impressions, how wrong can you be?"


  2. De hecho, me gustaría volver a saber de ti y seguir hablando un poco más. Si es que lees esto hoy, 28 de febrero, hay un show donde van a poner música de The Smiths en El Local, santurce y pensaba ir un rato con algunas amistades...

    Nada, si te animas y te parece buena la idea, me envías un mensaje y sabré que eres tu... :) 787-533-9755


  3. Saludos Sergio

    Muchas Gracias por tus comentarios. La verdad que me motivaron a seguir escribiendo.Espero que a medida pueda sacar el tiempo y seguir haciendo lo que me apasiona. Esta entrada en realidad fue inspirada por mi esposo, quien de hecho es el mesero que te atendió en Asahi jeje ;) Es la historia de como nos conocimos. Gracias por dejar un mensaje!!! Que tengas un buen dia!
