amor al calor

amor al calor

domingo, 29 de junio de 2014

Amelia's Lawyer and Keane

Many years ago, before Amelia knew that a Xander existed for her, she was a college student. Her passion was writing and mostly everyday she would detail in her journals events and moments past. Her hair was pink and her clothes were eighties meets bohemian. Her nails were painted in neon colors and some of them were starting to chip off.  She drank coffee and never smoked at the same time. She was happily blissful in her own colorful world.

Her major was journalism and her minor literature. It truly was a dream for her to invest time studying and preparing herself professionally in the written word. She took classes from investigative journalism to the rather progressive history of love lectures. The last one is still a big question mark in her mind. Who takes a class on the history of love letters? Well, people like her. People that marched to their own tune and painted with diverse color palettes. 

Amelia's mobile phone at the time was a metallic pink motorola razor and she thought she was cool. She never had an ipod so her music she listened through a cd player with headphones. Pretty progressive, of course. Her favorite band at the time was Keane and she had someone to blame for that. She blamed a certain lawyer with a stick up his ass.

Now now, Amelia  was always what you could describe as a "semi good girl". At least her face projected a certain naive quality, however, her mind? Her real thoughts? Not so cookie cutter. There would come a time in the future when that battle for her mind will drive her to break rules and start again. But this was not the time. Not yet. 

Back to the lawyer. This person was what  you called typically predictable. His friends never changed and his manners where always perfection. His voice was soft spoken and nostalgic, at times sort of creepy. He was eight years older than Amelia and had his entire life planned, or as it seemed...planned for him. His eyes were the color of coffee, the kind they sell at Starbucks that has all sorts of crap and 1% real java. Dark straight hair that fell softly near his long eyelashes and he seriously needed a tan. Amelia, on the other hand hated the idea of living such a constricted life between office cubicles. She wanted to live each day as her last, so she really had no idea what attracted her to him. Him with lawyer words and lawyer manners. 

Yet, some nights together they would walk the streets of Old San Juan, taking in the history of every corner and meditating in silence. They never held hands and they hardly embraced. Theirs was a story of strange companionship. He wanted to be free spirited like her and to actually be brave enough to act spontaneous. She saw in him the stillness her passionate soul needed from time to time, that silence in between musical notes. 

The one thing they shared with great passion was music. They loved listening to "Keane"songs and would spend hours on the phone analyzing the meaning in their lyrics. When they talked about love, it was always with a  quote from Keane. 

One night during those walks in the historical city, Amelia and lawyer sat near the water. This time they were listening from his ipod the song "Love is the end". She turned to him with familiarity as she listened in. Perhaps, this could work. Perhaps, he wont bore me to death. Perhaps, love is really the end, she thought as her eyes gazed at him.

Lawyer also turned to her side and his eyes were brilliantly black. He smiled faintly in a way that you would almost miss it. He reached with his hand and stroked softly her right cheek and trailed down to her hand. The touch in itself felt so foreign to her. And with his fingers caressing her hand, he waited for her to respond. 

Amelia found herself unable to do anything at all. Here was cryptic lawyer with his fond for health foods touching her. She smiled in a matter that said "dude, what are you doing?". Lawyer then took the lyrics from her left hand and read out loud.

"It wont come again because love is the end. Oh no my friend. Best not pretend because love is the end". 

"What do you think about these words, Amelia?"
"Two friends finding love. It's pretty obvious Law". 

Lawyer chuckled low and removed his complete hand from hers. He realized then that she did not understand what he meant. And she understood that she was not ready yet. He stood up first and helped her get up from the ground. It was a november night so the city was decorated in holiday lights. The sea breeze ruffled her pink hair, hair that secretly drove him wild; well as wild as he could possibly muster. They were facing each other and the song was still in their ears. 

The music was ending, the last words were sung. "Don't say those words" echoed through. The last note was played and Lawyer cupped her chin in his hands forcing her to look at him. 

"There's a fire in you Amelia. Don't ever lose it, or You and I will be at war". For the first time there was passion in his eyes and fierceness in the sound of his voice. Her breathing became agitated as she was clearly unaware that fire existed in him. More so, she never knew that passion was exactly what she needed as well. 

His head lowered closer to her face and she was almost certain he would kiss her. He studied her face and his lips rested on her forehead. All the while he sang her name over and over. 

"Amelia, is the end. And someday someone will be lucky to be burned by your fire." 

"Law, you seriously watch too many melodramatic movies. I am not even invested in the nearest future of two weeks from now, what makes you so sure I want to know about a future person?"

Law messed around with her hair and said "You will see". They slightly embraced their way back to the car.
It was the last time Amelia saw him, and the stillness consumed her. But Law was right. It would take her seven years to actually feel that way. 

¿Are you counting? 



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